News: “Illegal” Sheep Producing Plain Lambs

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It seems that Zynga has made some serious changes to breeding “illegal” Animals in FarmVille.

This was found in their blog update tonight:

We wanted to give an update to everyone regarding certain kinds of disallowed sheep that have been available in FarmVille as well as a similar issue that appeared with pigs this past weekend. Certain types of sheep and pig colors/patterns not yet released have been improperly distributed in FarmVille; we are currently going through the process of making sure this practice stops.

The steps that we have taken are:

* The methods by which players were able to breed unreleased sheep and pig colors and patterns have been closed.
* Players who bred sheep and pigs using illicit methods have had their animals revert to their original base colors and no patterns.
* Pigs and sheep acquired from feed posts (but at some point were generated using illicit methods) will get to retain their unusual colors and patterns. However, attempts to breed with these pigs or sheep will result in default colors and no additional pattern inheritance. Should we release these additional colors or patterns legitimately then players will be able to breed that animal in the appropriate, correct manner. This is not an implication that you or your neighbors have done something wrong. This is a breeding restriction of colors and patterns that as of yet have not intended to be released.
So what’s currently allowed to breed and what’s not?

* Most current colors are allowed but the “flashing” colors are definitely not.

* Currently Allowed Sheep Patterns: Plain, Spotted, Striped
* Currently Alllowed Pig Patterns: Plain, Spotted

Again, the intention is to stop the distribution of colors and patterns that are not currently intended but not to punish our players who have acquired these animals legitimately. When we do release these colors or patterns, you’ll be able to breed with them just as intended.


What this means is that the above two Sheep would have normally bred a Ram or Ewe that looked similar to themselves, but now they create this really unusual Sheep that we have never seen before:


Yeah, that was heavy sarcasm. While we understand Zynga’s frustrations in these hackers cracking their code and releasing the data before it is due, might we recommend finding a better way to protect said data so that aforementioned hoodlums cannot access it instead of nerfing (making an item inferior — pardon the videogame terminology, all of you non-gamers) all of our cool Sheep? For many, Sheep breeding is a community effort, and breeding them for neighbors is the majority of the fun, especially considering the harsh cap on the amount of Animals we can have on our farm.

Obviously, we feel like a solution needed to be had in order to restore the integrity of the system, but this will only agitate players by further constricting breeding in FarmVille. One of the key ways to remove the fun from anything is to enforce too many rules, and these actions – along with the trouble in receiving Love Potions for four Buildings, restrictions on how many Animals you can have per farm, and lack of Bottles has drawn us, personally, away from breeding. We love a lot of what FarmVille does, but not stuff like this.

How do you feel about all of this breeding hoopla? We would love to hear your constructive opinions for better or worse.


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