New Items: Tea House and English Restaurant

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The Buildings are certainly not left out in the cold for tonight’s update, as we have a couple of brand new structures for the English Countryside theme that can be placed on either farm!


First up this week is the more expensive option on the Market, the Tea Shop. This is, from a pure design standpoint, a truly inspiring addition to the English Countryside Buildings. It contains many of the common color schemes found across the English Countryside at the moment, but switches the way the design and trim of the Buildings pans out. You can see what we are talking about by checking out the side of the Building, where crescent shapes adorn the structure. This one can be rotated but it looks much better from the default angle, as the shadows cast a little too heavily from the southwest on this one.  We prefer the other homes on the Market, but this one’s pretty good. 25 FV Cash is the cost of admission here, with 2,500 EXP given to the purchaser.


The cheaper of the two options this week, the English Restaurant, is incredibly similar and in-line with one of the previously available Buildings in the English Countryside theme, the Antique Shoppe. If you own and love that Building, then you will certainly need this one to complete the pairing, as they look simply marvelous when placed together. Of course, our review of that Building was not glowing, and our feelings remain the same for this go-‘round. We may very well just chalk it up to culture shock, however. It costs 15 FV Cash and can be rotated to better suit your farm. Should you choose to invest in this Building, you will earn 1,500 EXP.

Which is your favorite of these two Buildings?


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