How-to: Back to Basics Quest

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That is not the only brand new series of Quests to come to FarmVille this week, as the second Quest to hit is Back to Basics.


Step 1: Aww, look how distraught this fella is. You can start out turning his frown upside-down by returning to the basics of farming: simply plow 200 fresh plots and then plant and harvest 200 English Peas out of aforementioned plots. Completing these simply tasks will award you with the above items, which are at least an improvement from the initial Quest of the night.


Step 2: Our goofy newcomer is in dire need of assistance regarding figuring out what all of the Buildings do across FarmVille, apparently suffering from virtual farming amnesia. First up is a long haul effort to craft the Duke’s Stout to Level 15, which we had thankfully already accomplished, as well as harvest both your Chicken Coop and your Horse Stable twice each. These will take a couple of days to accomplish. The crappy part? The rewards are exactly the same as the first portion of this Quest. Ouch!


Step 3: An array of new objectives will hit you in the third portion of this Quest, including the use of one of the other three Co-Op Jobs, the Amazing Aster Job. In this new Co-Op Job, you must complete 1200 harvests of the Pink Asters within two days, and of course you can ask your friends to pitch in and complete the objective faster for a Gold Medal. Beyond the Co-Op Job, you must also use your Combine 50 times, and Master the first level of Field Beans. You’ll receive the usual EXP and Coin bonuses, as well as some decorative English Rose Pot, for succeeding.


Step 4: Henry is still in need of figuring out the basics of being a good neighbor. Start off by immediately clicking on the “Get 6 Testimonials” objective, since you will need your neighbors to send in their written words commending poor ol’ dim Henry. Let’s face it, it’s sort of like giving a bad employee a positive reference; you know they’re going to be terrible, but you do it out of kindness, right? Beyond this, you will have to fertilize 40 plots on your neighbors’ soil, as well as expand your farm out to a larger piece of land.  Upon completion of these tasks, you will be rewarded with Lush Soil, a brand new bonus awarded to only the best of farmers, as well as the usual EXP and Coin bonuses.

Lush Soil works exactly like the Soil in the English Countryside, where you receive additional Mastery points and Bushels, but on your home farm! This is truly an awesome reward for those of you who love crafting or have a lot of Crops to Master.


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