New Items: Silver Birch Tree and Downy Birch Tree

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Tonight’s Sunday evening update is a hefty one littered with some excellent new Trees, Buildings, a new Horse, some Decorations and a brand new Mystery Game to keep you in check. We will, as per usual, tackle the new Trees first.


The pair of Trees to hit the Market tonight is a couple of winners to file under the “real tree” catalogue, as the English Countryside continues to flourish with its overabundance of real life greenery being transplanted into the virtual world. First up is the Level 1 iteration of the two, the Silver Birch Tree. This one is another truly original Tree, mostly resembling the Plum Tree if we were forced to make a poor comparison. As you can clearly see, the Silver Birch Tree shoots straight up with little foliage near the bottom of the Tree, saving all of its dues for the top half. This one costs 5 FV Cash.


Meanwhile, if you are looking for what the Silver Birch Tree produces in the Orchards as Mystery Seedlings, look no further than the Downy Birch Tree. This one is about the opposite of its Level 1 counterpart, in that it is a “lowrider” Tree as opposed to being bare along the base of the Tree. Think of it similar to the Fig Tree but without the incredible width. This is another fun Tree, but we recommend paying the 5 FV Cash for the Silver Birch Tree and creating your own Downy Birches with the Orchards. They contain the same stats: 150 Coins over the course of a two day harvest time, and require 75 harvests to reach the first level of Mastery. It costs 10 FV Cash, should you choose to purchase it outright.

Stay tuned for more info through the night, including a How-to on the Frito Lay farm!


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