You folks asked for it, and you’ve got it: you can now make four new Crafts, including Love Potions, Bricks, Boards, and Nails.
Zynga has introduced one new Craft into each of the Crafting Buildings, with the English Countryside’s universally-owned Pub getting the one that everybody needs most: Love Potions, giving you no excuse not to have as many as your heart desires. Similarly, the Home farm Crafting Buildings each receive a recipe for one of the three key ingredients to building anything around FarmVille: Bricks for the Bakery, Boards for the Spa, and Nails for the Winery.
Here on the four new Recipes:
Love Potion (Pub): 4 Field Bean Bushels, 3 Pink Aster Bushels, and 5 English Pea Bushels
Brick (Bakery): 5 Coffee Bushels, 3 Pepper Bushels, and 4 Ginger Bushels
Boards (Spa): 4 Morning Glory Bushels, 5 Lilac Bushels, and 3 Sunflower Bushels
Nails (Winery): 5 White Grape Bushels, 4 Rice Bushels, and 3 Grape Bushels
While they certainly do not make a lick of sense, we are happy to have another way to receive the items we need in FarmVille. How about you?
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