New Items: English Mill and Spring Cottage

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As always, we’ve got the Buildings tab’s latest arrivals right here! Are they worth purchasing? Here are our reviews!


To all of you folks complaining about the overabundance of FV Cash items on the Market as of late, it looks like Zynga has listened to your statements and have delivered a very expensive, very lovely Coin item under the Buildings tab tonight with the introduction of the Spring Cottage, another item that is technically on the English Countryside theme, yet crosses over into the newly introduced Spring theme. We really enjoy the quaint look of this one, as it truly resembles a Building you can find across the countryside of England. You will be able to purchase this ivy-ridden Building for 350,000 Coins, good for 3,500 EXP. This one can be rotated.


Now, if you are searching for additional FV Cash Building, we do have a lovely returning structure that certainly matches our Home farm perfectly: the English Mill. This is a completely animated Building, as the watermill beside the homely structure, as it constantly pulls in water. The animations on the water are not that great, but we are just happy it is facing southeast instead of southwest, as it cannot be rotated. We love the cobblestone look crawling with ivy, too. This is a winner, even at 25 FV Cash, good for 2,500 EXP.

What say ye, FarmVille Poster? Winner or loser for this week’s Buildings tab?


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