How-to: Professor Milton’s Quests

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After you help Lily out with her cheese making expedition, you will attract the eye of yet another good-looking person… wait, is that Ben Kingsley? Oh no, it’s just Professor Milton, the stoic gentleman who is in charge of the archeology institute of the English Countryside.


Step 1: First thing’s first, Professor Milton is all about digging. You will have to dig 100 plots worth the land, in addition to fertilizing 25 plots of your neighbors’ soil. This is a simple enough task and should be had within one planting of your own Crops and a fast visit to your neighbors’ farms. You’ll receive 100 EXP, 2,500 Coins, and a really cool ancient Cow Statue.


Step 2: The second step is another fairly easy one to execute, as you will receive the objectives to build a Storage Cellar, which we already had, and yet another “Ask” objective where you publish a status to your Facebook feed in hopes of receiving six Old Books on archeology. Hopefully your neighbors will assist you as quickly as our beloved neighbors did! You will receive 200 EXP, 3,000 Coins and yet another ancient statue, this time in the form of the Duck Statue.


Step 3: We are truly digging, if you pardon the pun, these new Milton Quests, because they are so easy! This time around, we will need to plant and harvest 100 plots worth the Hops in order to figure out what this new Royal Hops Crop entails. You will need to additionally fertilize yet another 25 plots of your neighbors’ land in order to better learn the ways of farming. Your prize for completing this session will be a Knight Armor costume, 300 EXP and 5,000 Coins.


Step 4: With the secret of the Royal Hops out in the open, it is time to get to know their origins a bit better by Mastering the first level of the original Hops. We have already Mastered the Crop completely, seeing as how it is one of our all-time favorites in the game. You must also harvest 50 plots worth the Barley. Do not forget to use Bushels of the Hops before you harvest in order to receive Double Mastery! Upon completing this, you will receive 5 FV Cash, just enough to purchase a cool Limited Edition Tree! You’ll also get 400 EXP and 7,500 Coins.


Step 5: With all of the studying out of the way for the new Crop and the new Recipe, which we have previously covered, you will need to harvest the Royal Hops in 50 plots and create the new Lionhead Ale three times. The Lionhead Ale is comprised of Royal Hops, English Rose, and Barley Bushels, so stock up! Once you have completed this Quest, you will receive this reward:


A Goat Statue that produces Double Mastery for seven days after it has been planted on your farm! No word whether or not you will receive Triple Mastery by using Bushels or not, but we will suspect that the answer is yes. In addition to this, you will receive an EXP bonus and a English Museum. Here is an image of every reward:


Stay tuned to FarmVille Post for more on Quests in the near future!


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