New Items: Romantic Cottage, Wedding Fountain, and More

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There are a lot of returning items in FarmVille with the arrival of the Enchanted Love theme, as well as some new ones. Let’s take a look at both the Building and Decorations tabs in one post for a change, due to the smaller amount of new stuff.


The only new item in Wednesday’s Market update under the Buildings tab is the Romantic Cottage, a cutesy, homey addition to the Market. This is a very soft Building on the eyes, with easy browns and tans to look at, which blend nicely with the pink flowers that grace the topiary surrounding the Building. We particularly enjoy the threshold that sits at the doorstep, covered in beautiful roses. This is a plain Jane type of Building, and the price is too steep at 20 FV Cash, but it’s very cute. 2,000 EXP will be awarded to those who purchase this rotatable structure.


A pairing of returning Gnomes is also on the Market, but they are of the old sort. On the new side of Decorations, we have a new Coin item that is quite bulky: the Wedding Bouquet. This is a very large rendition of what we typically think of when we hear “wedding bouquet,” right? It is due to the excess flowers, as well as the podium they rest atop. This is a cute addition to your farm if you’re recently wedded or to be wedded, as well as if you’re just nutso about flowers. It costs 100,000 Coins.


Back to the FV Cash items for the week, the Wedding Fountain is easily our favorite Decoration of the week’s update, clocking in at 7 FV Cash so it can technically, by FV Cash standards anyway, be affordable. It is a white fountain that is held up with purple-lined pillars and adorned with a pair of lovebirds at the top. White roses line the bottom of the structure, as the animated water flows down the multi-tiered decoration. If you buy this one, it will give you 1,200 EXP.


If the Wedding Bouquet is too large for your farm, you can try the lesser-expensive option, which is the Wedding Flower Pot. It is a gold flower pot containing beautiful red and white flowers springing out of greenery, sitting upon a pristine pedestal. It costs 20,000 Coins. If you’re looking for something new to fence in your items, the Wedding Fence provides a solid white surface with big pink ribbons draped along it. Each piece of fencing costs 5,000 Coins.

What is your favorite item this week?


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