In addition to the brand new Crop and Recipe, Zynga has begun rolling out another set of missions in the English Countryside! Let’s tackle Lily’s portion of the game, shall we?
Step 1: The world of cheese making is a terrible place of dread as of late, like most areas of the English Countryside before you, the wunderkind farmer of the world, happen upon the distressed landscape. As you begin helping out the locals, Lily will catch your eye and you will help her with her struggling cheese business. For starters, you will need a Cow and to plant and harvest 100 Bluebells. For doing this, you will be rewarded with 100 EXP, 2,500 Coins, and a Dairy Farm, which you may or may not already own.
Step 2: Get ready for the slow waiting period for the second step in providing Lily with what she needs to get back on track. Up next is your typical “Six of an item” request, where you will need to ask your friends via your Facebook feed for six Cheese Cultures. Be sure to Use them in your gift box to advance. As for the slow wait part, get ready for a two day wait: you will need to harvest your Dairy Farm twice in order to pass this portion of the Quest.
Upon doing these two requests, you will earn some awesome rewards! 200 EXP, 5,000 Coins, and a brand new Cow! This above Cow is the Shorthorn Cow, and it is absolutely free upon completing this portion of the Quest! How cute! If you want to keep it on your original farm, remember to place it on that particular farm; we, personally, like keeping our goodies on our original farm.
Step 3: With that out of the way, it is time for a trio of goals in order to create a bigger farm to work with. First and foremost, you will need to expand the size of your farm by asking your neighbors to be surveyors across your land. After that, the first level of Bluebells Mastery will be in order. Finally, you’ll have to use a Combine on your Crops 50 times, which should come relatively fast if you plant fast-growing Crops… of course, if you have not previously hit that first level of Bluebells Mastery, it could be troublesome. Remember to use Bushels before harvesting to hit Mastery faster! With this complete, you will earn 5 Parts for your Combines and such, 300 EXP and 7,500 Coins.
Step 4: Oh no! Not Dr. Fluffy! That’s right, it’s time to do a personal favor for Lily after dealing with those professional mishaps. In order to save her pet bunny, you will need to ask your friends for six torches (or flashlights, as we call them here in the States… “Torches” is a much cooler phrase, anyway), harvest 100 Radishes – a favored treat of bunnies, apparently, and visit six neighbors. Y’know how bunnies are, he could have scurried off looking for another one to mate with. After doing all of this, you’ll receive…
…Your very own Sheep Pen for your original farm! Now you can make Sheep for both of your farms. You can also share your very own Dr Fluffy, who is a cutie, if we do say so ourselves… Now we know why Lily was so worried!
Stay tuned, as we tear through the remaining Quests from tonight’s update.
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