Oh-me-oh-my-oh, would you just look at how good we managed to do in the Mystery Game tonight!
Wow! What incredible luck! This is, by far, our best Mystery Game luck ever recorded: six Mystery Darts, all six prizes. Incredible! Document it to give us hope when we pop twenty balloons next week! The Mystery Game revolves entirely around Decorations, so steer clear if you’re looking for Animals. It costs 16 FV Cash per Dart, and has some truly amazing stuff inside. Let’s take a look!
This is the advertised top Rare prize of the week and the final item that we acquired on that bottom balloon, the Cob Cottage. We figured this prize would be massive in scale, given the fact that it is Rare and we have seen many huge Buildings as of late, but it is about moderately-sized, as you can clearly see from the above depiction. We love the sloping rooftop on this one, seemingly made of straw, and the surrounding foliage in back and along the sides of the Building. The floral arrangements out front really set it off, too. This is one Building that is worthy of one of the Rare slots.
The other Rare spot in the rotation this week belongs to another Decoration, the Lilypad Bridge. Unlike the Cob Cottage, this is the head-scratcher of the evening, as it certainly does not belong in the Rare spot of the Mystery Game. Don’t get us wrong, it is not a poorly-designed Decoration, but it merely lacks the punch that Rare items require. When you receive a Rare item, it should stimulate your brain and make you think “Wow! That is great!” The Lilypad Bridge, however, feels more like an Uncommon item at best. It has slight animation with a tiny frog on one of the lily pads, but because of the animation it cannot be rotated, a major hang-up for bridges, as we cannot adjust it to fit our farm, as it definitely would if we had that ability.
All’s not lost, though, as Bird lovers can rejoice due to the new selection as one of this week’s Uncommon items: the Amazon Parrot. The Amazon Parrot is one of the best Bird Decorations to come to FarmVille in many, many months, as it offers a very adorable design with many bright colors to keep your eyes working overtime. This could have been the Rare prize instead of the Lilypad Bridge, in our opinion. It has the usual “Fly!” option under its drop box, which you can see above. We absolutely love the Amazonian flowers that adorn the branch that the Amazon Parrot perches upon, as well. This one is a keeper.
Here is a blast from the past, and one of the items that has been on our original farm for what seems like over a year. This is the Leapfrog Well, an old school well that is just littered with many different frogs, from purple to green to brown to olive. This is one of our all-time favorite Decorations, and its return is a testament to how highly Zynga thinks of it. We get many compliments on this item, so we are happy to see it return to FarmVille as an Uncommon entry in this week’s Mystery Game so that our neighbors may have the opportunity to obtain it.
For all of you Sheep lovers out there, one of the Common items this week may satiate your taste for cutesy Sheep without diving into your Sheep Pen. We are, of course, talking about the decorative Lounge Swing, an animated swing that flies to and fro through the air with a regular Sheep in the driver’s seat, with a Pig riding shotgun. This is a really cute addition to the Decorations, as the animation is fluid and we love the ivy growing along the wooden boards holding the swing together.
Lastly for this week’s Mystery Game is the final Common item of the endeavor, the Tulip Fountain. This is not one of our favorite Fountains in the game, though to its credit there are already many, many fantastic pieces in the category throughout FarmVille’s history. We simply dislike the design of the flora surrounding the Fountain, and its animation is nothing to write home about, either. Playing the Mystery Game on a week full of Decorations can be a lot like shooting yourself in the foot… actually, it’s nothing like that at all, but play along with the turn of phrase and don’t take it literally. Our point is if you hit four Commons and they are all Animals, it’s not so bad because you will receive Coins from them. But let’s assume you hit four Tulip Fountains… What on Earth will you do with four of the same Decoration?
Overall, there are some hits and misses in this one, but if you need a new Decoration to spruce up your farm, you can certainly do worse.
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