It’s a grand wedding celebration! We had to run to the store for FV Cash cards, but we are back and ready to roll out our reviews of tonight’s items.
Let’s begin with what is sure to be a top seller this week, the Wedding Tree. It comes along under the guise of the Enchanted Love theme, celebrating the wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. This particular Tree is one of much beauty, as it is a purple-pink hybrid in color and grows glorious beads of pristine white when it is ripe. This one is a fantastic make-believe Tree in the land of FarmVille, but we dislike the 7 FV Cash it requires in order to obtain it – this seems to be a new trend, and if there is one thing we dislike, it is higher prices.
Oh boy. If there are two things we dislike, they are higher prices and Giant versions of Trees. If you want to combine those two things we dislike, it is higher prices on Giant Trees, and this one falls under that category at 12 FV Cash instead of 10 FV Cash. We always put up a fuss, even if it’s over a measly 2 FV Cash — hey, it adds up! The Giant Wedding Tree shares the same statistics as its Level 1 counterpart, as they both give you 150 coins over the course of two days and require 75 harvests to reach the first level of Mastery.
We like the smaller one best, as always. Stay tuned for more reviews throughout the night!
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