It has been several weeks since we have provided y’all with a new Crop Spotlight feature, what with our ongoing coverage of the English Countryside and the What We Want feature rolling out. But we figure you are due for an interesting look at the hard data of one of our favorite Crops in the English Countryside, the English Roses.
The English Countryside rolled out with a bang, offering over a dozen brand new Crops to plant and tend to. Seeing as how normal Crops cannot be planted within the English Countryside soil, and the English Countryside Crops cannot be planted on your Home farm’s soil, these elusive Crops required distinct dedication to plant and Master during the “Dark Ages” of paused farming. Thankfully, those bad times have passed us, leaving both of our farms open to accessibility simultaneously.
If there is a shortage of one thing in FarmVille, it might just be permanent Roses that are always readily available. Sure, we have the White Roses, and the Pink Roses are slightly similar, but the longing for Red Roses has kept the majority of flower power gurus at a loss from breath from holding it for so long. The English Roses do not quite fill that void, but they do provide us with delicate pink roses that blossom in a cyclonic pattern, perfectly representing the iconic rose that we think of once the word pops into our brains.
The English Roses are an exclusive sort, being the lone 6 hour Crop in the English Countryside expansion. This makes for comparing prices a bit tougher than usual, naturally, as the sheer selection of Crops is tougher to reason with due to the size. Where FarmVille’s Home farm has a hundred-plus different options throughout its history, as of today the English Countryside has but sixteen, and only two surrounding the English Roses in terms of time span: the Red Currants at four hours and the Black Tea at eight hours.
So now that we have full access to both farms simultaneously with no real reason to have to choose between the two, we will present comparisons between the two realms of farming: the English Countryside’s English Roses and the Home farm’s robust selection of six hour Crops. First up is the hard data for the English Roses: they cost 125 Coins to plant and will give you 165 Coins when it comes time to pluck them from the ground, giving you 40 Coins of profit. You will gain a single EXP point for every plot harvested.
Flipping things back over to the Home farm side of things, the number of six hour Crops is not entirely overwhelming, but there is at least something to go by. Ghost Chili, Gladiolus, Lemon Balm, and the ever-popular Aloe Vera comprise the roster for six hour Crops throughout all of FarmVille at this current time, with the English Roses placing in the lower side of the middle of the pack, with Ghost Chili being more profitable (56 Coins), Lemon Balm (60 Coins), and Gladiolus (60 Coins) placing ahead of it. It does better than Aloe Vera, but by very little (35 Coins).
Of course, English Countryside Crops are slightly different from the Home farm’s Crops, no? They carry certain bonuses that cannot be found on your home soil, as you will receive additional Bushels to use and additional Mastery points installed into your Mastery of the English Roses, to boot. The other Crops in the game do not feature bonuses such as these, as they cannot be planted inside of your English Countryside soil.
One of the reasons we picked the English Roses for the very first English Countryside Crop Spotlight is their usefulness. The Pub has a few really awesome Recipes, but let’s face it, there is not a lot to take in given the large amount of Crops available. Only a handful of these new English Countryside Crops can be utilized within the Pub by throwing their Bushels into Recipes. The English Roses are one of the most useful Crops for the Pub, however, with three distinct Recipes to use them in as of the date of this article:
Lionhead Ale (Pub, Level 1): Requires 2 English Rose Bushels, 3 Royal Hops Bushels, and 2 Barley Bushels
Barley Crumpets (Pub, Level 2): Requires 3 English Rose Bushels, 2 Barley Bushels, and 2 English Peas Bushels
Rosehip Tea (Pub, Level 3): Requires 4 English Rose Bushels and 4 Black Tea Bushels
As for Crop Mastery, the elements from the original Home farm work just as well over here on the English Countryside, as you can still use a Bushel to achieve Double Mastery on whichever Crop the Bushel is of. Before it comes time to harvest your Crops, grab an English Rose Bushel from your neighbors and click on “Use.” This will give you twice as many Mastery points. It’s a pretty steep amount, considering it is a six hour Crop, clocking in at 5,700 harvests. Needless to say, those Bushels certainly come in handy this time around!
Here are the English Rose Crop’s Mastery totals:
Mastery Level 1: 950 Harvests
Mastery Level 2: 1,900 Harvests
Mastery Level 3: 2,850 Harvests
Grand Total: 5,700 Harvests
Stay tuned to FarmVille Post for more information on the English Rose Crop and many, many others!
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