How-to: Spring Basket

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It has been a long, busy day full of emergency veterinarian visits and general chaos at the FarmVille Post HQ, so we apologize on the delay of this new How-to for this holiday’s iteration of the collect-a-thon, the Spring Basket!


Step 1: Do you recall the Flowers we have been collecting from our Spring Garden on a nightly basis? Well, it seems they finally have a purpose. You will find a plethora of Flowers throughout FarmVille on your neighbors’ Facebook pages and the like, and you likely have a ton in your inboxes anyway. Now you will finally have a place to store them! When you see the above screen, you will be in placement mode. Feel free to drop that Spring Basket anywhere you wish on your farm.


Step 2: After plopping it down, we will have our first glance at what we can redeem our Flowers for! Much like the St. Patrick’s and Valentine’s Day holidays before it, the Spring Basket is a source of collectibles. You deposit your Flowers that you receive from friends and neighbors into the Spring Basket, and once you have accumulated enough of the Flowers, you can redeem them for one of the following prizes: Spring Arch (5 Flowers), Flower Fountain (30 Flowers), Flower Tower (65 Flowers), Yellow Duck (130 Flowers), Yellow Patch Cow (225 Flowers), and the Flower Sheep (299 Flowers).


Step 3: In order to get all six of these items (we doubt there will be a second tier to the items list, given the three premium Animals available from the get-go), you will need to collect a lot of Flowers. As you can see from the picture above, all of your Flowers in your inventory will be placed within your Spring Basket when you click the “Use” button from your Gift Box.


Step 4: So you’ll need a bundle of Flowers in order to get these prizes, so how do you get Flowers? There are many ways:

1) Claim them from your neighbors on the Facebook feed whenever they share them.

2) Send them to your friends from the Free Gifts page in hopes of getting some back.

3) Harvest your Spring Garden every day.

4) Click on the “Ask for More” button right below where your total number of Flowers is located inside of the Spring Basket.

What is your favorite item in the Spring Basket? We suspect that Sheep will be a hot item due to the expansion of Sheep Breeding to both farms!


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