If there has been an onslaught of one thing recently in FarmVille, it has definitely been Horses. All types of new Horses, Ponies, and the like have sprung up across FarmVille, so how on Earth are we supposed to be able to afford them all?
As seen above: Our Horse Stable loaded with some of our Horses. Note that the winner will receive different Horses, not these specific ones.
Well, one lucky winner in this week’s Free Stuff Friday event won’t have to worry about that at all! In fact, they will be able to receive all of the Horses that are released between the time the contest closes, April 15th, through May 15th! Every time a new Horse hits the Market between those two dates, the winner will receive that Horse for free! Note that this is a minimum of four (4) Horses, so if four Horses have not been released between those dates, you definitely will receive four before all is said and done! One lucky winner will be contacted by Zoop on his personal account following the conclusion of the contest.
In order to win this prize package, you must complete the following steps:
Step 1: First up, Like us on our Facebook page. You can find our Facebook page by clicking here. Be sure to Share our link with your friends, too!
Step 2: Leave a comment on our Facebook page telling us what excites you about the Horses in FarmVille. Is it the different model types of the Horses? Do you like seeing the standard models dressed up for the holidays? Do you like collecting Foals better, or giving your neighbors Foals from your Horse Stable? Explain to us why you love the Horses in FarmVille, or which Horses are your favorite types!
Be sure to tell your friends about us by clicking “Share” on our Facebook statuses and links! We give stuff away every Friday! The cut-off date for entry to this contest is Friday, April 15th at 12:00am sharp, so make sure you enter before then! We will choose a winner on that same date, and they will be contacted by Farming Elsie on Facebook! If you get a message from Farming Elsie, it is 100% legitimate and you have won! We do not declare winners in public due to the fact that our readers’ privacy is very dear to us. Duplicate entries will result in disqualification, in order to keep things fair. Good luck, and congratulations to this week’s winner!
If you are new to FarmVille Post, please take a look around! You can find our weekly in-depth articles on Crops by searching our Crop Spotlights, like this one on Iris! If you’re into thorough research for various new features around FarmVille, take a look at our How-to sections, which is deeper than a copy and paste of Zynga’s own community guides. We also review every item that arrives on the Market, usually on Sunday and Wednesday evenings, like this review of the Mystery Game.
For the latest Contest we are running, check out our Contests page – even if this contest has expired, there is an active one every week! After all, every Friday is Free Stuff Friday!
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