How-to: Pig Breeding

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Due to some bad thunderstorms in our neck of the woods, Free Stuff Friday is on a break for this week while we reload our goodie bag with more stuff to give away next week! But fear not, as we have exciting news. On a more than rare Friday night update, we have a brand new feature to bring to you: Pig Breeding!


Step 1: Upon logging into your FarmVille Home farm tonight, you will be greeted with the above window, telling you that you have received a complimentary Boar. It seems that Slop is no longer needed to hunt for Truffles, as you will truffle hunt when you collect from your Pigpen from now on. You can trade in your additional Slop for extra Love Potions, if you like. Place the Boar into your previously-constructed Pigpen.


Step 2: You will now be greeted with this new window, which details every part of Pig Breeding with simplicity if you hover your mouse over each step. It works exactly like Sheep Breeding, as you will use Love Potions to increase the chance of success and use the Pigpen identically to the Sheep Pen from here on out.  The pop-ups go on to explain that the father and mother dictate the colors, while the father alone has the baby’s patterns.


Step 3: Once you’re inside the Pigpen, it is time to do some breeding. As you can see, we chose to breed these two Pigs three times to see what our results would be. If you are curious as to how you can judge a Boar from a Sow, they are distinguishable from Sows due to their little patch of hair atop their heads. You can only breed Sows with Boars and vice versa.


Step 4: Here are our results from breeding those same two Pigs three times in a row. We received one Boar and two Sows, and each one looked different. As you can see, our Boar wound up looking like a hybrid of blue and green, while our Sows turned out teal and off-black. In order to grow a Piglet up into a new Pig, you will need to feed it 10 Bottles, which you can now finally receive in Special Delivery Boxes! How cool is that?


Step 5: There are three total mating rooms that you can unlock in the Pigpen, though we suspect that many of you will have already underwent the painstaking task of adding Bricks, Boards, and Nails long, long ago when the Pigpen was first introduced. In case you’re like us and you did not max out your Pigpen previous, you can Look Inside the Pigpen and select the “Expansion” button. This will bring up the above screen, allowing you to Ask for More from your friends.
If you have ever bred Sheep, then breeding Pigs will be a piece of cake! Are you excited to see the new patterns that will surely turn up on the Market soon?


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