New Items: Kelly Green Cow and Leprechaun Goat

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A few St. Patrick’s Day Animals have wandered onto the FarmVille Market tonight at the last moment, during the great last chance for the Irish holiday’s ongoing theme. One of them is a great, rare item from yesteryear than many missed out on, and the other is a brand new Goat!


The Kelly Green Cow used to be widely regarded as the rarest Cow in the land, but it has thankfully seen a second life on the Market. Decisions like these are always tough, as the items in question lose their distinct value and worth when they hit the Market a second time, but we personally appreciate the opportunity to obtain the items if we missed out on them during their initial Market run. In this case, we did not grab one last time, we so are happy to finally own a Kelly Green Cow. It produces the once-rare Calf that everybody wants, and can be obtained for 14 FV Cash. We say to jump on the chance to own it.


If old Cows aren’t your bag of tricks, you can always try one of the underappreciated original FarmVille Animals in its St. Patty’s best, the Leprechaun Goat. For whatever reason, we love Goats in FarmVille, and not just because they are cheaper than lawnmowers when it comes to keeping the grass trimmed. We truly hope that these guys get their own functional Building somewhere down the line. With this said, this particular Goat is nothing to write home about, as it’s your casual, stock Goat wearing a St. Patrick’s Day-related hat. Keep it away from the empty beer cups, as Goats will eat anything. It costs 14 FV Cash, if you decide to buy it.

Keep it tuned to FarmVille Post for more info throughout the night!


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