Bugs On The End of September

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Bugs On The End of September

Let's talk about bugs on this month...
The first one is for the challenge mission...
It's said that Pint of Stout is for Mumbai mission, not Dublin! Guess Zynga team miss this one...

Another friend got this strange item when he opened his Super Pignatas.. What is that?

And I have a doubt on Vegas jobs.. See these 2 pictures below.. For example picture no 1 on "Convince A Judge To Step Down" job.. It pays 46 XP and 10,181 Vegas chips for each job, but please check on how many the actual result we got..
It job will give you 50 XP and 11,709 Vegas chips!

Same thing as this job below..

First, I thought it's because of the Top Mafia bonus we got.. but we don't always get the bonus (as Mastermind and Bagman) on each job, right?
It's good tho.. I am not complaining with this bug!

Last bug of the month (I hope), one friend can see this on his Live Updates that he helped a friend beat himself!

Bugs On The End of September

Mafia Wars Swiss Banker

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Mafia Wars Swiss Banker

Mafia Wars Swiss Banker is a free Paypal promotional item... Yeah! you can get this item absolutely free...

Swiss Banker have 27 Attack & 54 Defense points...

You can get Swiss Banker item... just visit the Paypal page on Facebook & click on "Like" button...

You can use the glitch to get one right away..

Just copy-paste this link on your browser:
It will give you PayPal promotion to buy some Reward Points.. close the page and you’ll see that you are awarded with special item!

I got a very nice armor..

Love you Guys!!!

Mafia Wars Swiss Banker

Mafia Wars Reef Shark

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Mafia Wars Reef Shark

Mafia Wars Reef Shark is a nice free gift... you can get Reef Shark free gift if you play Zynga Treasure Isle!

Reef Shark have 55 Attack & 24 Defense points.

You have to play Zynga Treasure Isle for 3 levels to get your Reef Shark for free! You also must reach Treasure Isle level 10.

Enjoy Free Gift!!!

Mafia Wars Reef Shark

Mafia Wars Bangkok More Episode Coming Soon

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Mafia Wars Bangkok More Episode Coming Soon

Zynga announces about Mafia Wars Bangkok More Episode Coming Soon... That's really a surprising news for everyone including me...

Mafia Wars Bangkok New Episode - Dark Uprising 6-7

I dont' know if they will release these 2 episodes before Las Vegas or not.. Just be ready, guys...

Mafia Wars Bangkok More Episode Coming Soon

Mafia Wars F-25 Valkyrie

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Mafia Wars F-25 Valkyrie

Today limited edition gift in Mafia Wars is F-25 Valkyrie...
Good defensive stats of F-25 Valkyrie...

F-25 Valkyrie Stats:
Attack: 43 - Defense: 66

As previous one's you only got 5 F-25 Valkyrie...

Thank You Zynga for daily free gifts with impressive stats...

Mafia Wars F-25 Valkyrie

Mafia Wars Turkey Vulture

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Mafia Wars Turkey Vulture

Today, Free limited edition gift is Turkey Vulture... This is an Animal with highly impressive stats:
Turkey Vulture -- 62 Attack and 50 Defense.

Although, it said in the pop up message, “Share this Awesome Animal”, since Animal category wasn't ready, it come as weapon to my inventory.

Ofcourse!!! As previous limited edition free gifts... You can only get 5 items of Turkey Vulture 
and after that, you will only received +1 Energy refill...

Mafia Wars Turkey Vulture

Mafia Wars Death Dealer Minigun!

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Mafia Wars Death Dealer Minigun!

Zynga made the promise with us that they given free limited edition Gift daily in Mafia Wars... Now today they give us big defensive armor Death Dealer Minigun...

We highly recommend taking advantage of these limited edition specials -- especially considering the impressive stats of this big bruiser Death Dealer Minigun -- 48 Attack and 64 Defense.

Yes!!! You can only get  5 items of Death Dealer Minigun 
and after that, you will only received +1 Energy refill...

Enjoy Everyone!!!

Mafia Wars Death Dealer Minigun!

Mafia Wars Free Skill Point

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Mafia Wars Free Skill Point

Zynga made a small new twist in Mafia Wars through giving away 1 Free Skill Point... We are use to about getting a Free Reward Point... but they changed it know or may be they mixing up a thing little bit...

Copy and paste this link on your browser (if you wanna get Free Skill Point)...


Congratulations! For being a loyal fan you have been rewarded with one skill point.

Mafia Wars Free Skill Point

Mafia Wars Rogue CIA Agent

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Mafia Wars Rogue CIA Agent

Rogue CIA Agent is a New Big Free Gift in Mafia Wars....
Rogue CIA Agent Stats:
Attack - 69
Defense - 30

You can send this Rogue CIA Agent to your 50 friends...

But hold on, we can only have 5 of Rogue CIA Agents and after that we can only have +1 energy refill...

They said it is an armor but somehow it appears on the Weapon section in the Inventory...

You guys also notice the clock timer on the popup screen...
It means more awesome items is on the way...

Enjoy You All...

Mafia Wars Rogue CIA Agent

Mafia Wars Fake Golden Treasure Chest Offer

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Fake Golden Treasure Chest Offer

Zynga introduce Fake Golden Treasure Chest Offer in Mafia Wars... They got trapped many Mafia Wars players including me in Fake Golden Treasure Chest Offer... 

Hold on!!!
I know you guys wanted to know about this fake offer...

Do you guys know?

Cost of every Golden Treasure Chest is only 2 Reward Points at this moment!

But!!! Whenever you clicked on a Buy button it costs you 9 Reward Points....

So beware with this Fake Golden Treasure Chest Offer...

Good Luck To You Guys...

Mafia Wars Cash Bonus

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Mafia Wars Cash Bonus

Zynga send Mafia Wars Cash Bonus to some players through notification in their game.. It's because they didn't get the credit properly on their new businesses..

As the above screenshot... Lucky players getting some sort of cash bonus for this matter.. plus 4 Reward Points..

Hopefully you also get this notification soon...

Mafia Wars Cash Bonus

Mafia Wars Upcoming Features!

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Mafia Wars Upcoming Features!

Here is a list of some Mafia Wars Upcoming Features by Zynga...
It's a unofficial list but i got this from trusted source..

1. Mystery Bags will be limited to 30 clicks only.

2. Las Vegas city coming this summer (mid-June/July 2010)

3. Customized characters that can be voted on for the PRESTIGE award/achievement. This is going to replace the SAFE HOUSE.

4. Also new Top Mafia Positions and related achievements... for 25, 50 and 200 promotions in the SAME category. The 200 will give you 10% no energy, or 50% energy, or 200% money chance per job.

5. Fight Club is launching soon.

6. The new fighting system will be called "ARENA" ... and it's exactly like the robbing...

7. Armor Depot will be added too.

Enjoy Everyone!!!

Mafia Wars Upcoming Features!

Mafia Wars: New Strength Notice!

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Mafia Wars: New Strength Notice!

New Mafia Wars Strength Notice gave you an indication of the strength increasing due to purchasing. It work on both attack & defense.

Althought I don't want t recommend you to buy Limited Edition Item for this purpose...
But Mafia Wars Strength Notice is pretty cool feature Zynga have added!

Thanks Zynga!!!

Mafia Wars: New Strength Notice!

Mafia Wars Animals: Still Coming Soon!

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Mafia Wars Animals: Still Coming Soon!

Zynga adding new features in Mafia Wars very quickly...
We still waiting for the Mafia Wars Animals...

Yes.. your thinking is absolutely right.... We will have 4 kind of Inventory items:
Weapon + Armor + Vehicle + Animal
Of course we need lots of animals exactly like weapons, armors or vehicles... thats more than 501+

Best Of Luck... You All...
Mafia Wars Animals: Still Coming Soon!

Mafia Wars - Strength Meter

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Mafia Wars - Strength Meter

Zynga added new feature quite frequently in Mafia Wars... This time they added Mafia Wars Strength Meter...

Mafia Wars Strength Meter added in a new players account... You can found this on "My Mafia" page at "Recruit" tab.

Strength Meter shows you a recommended size of your mafia on your current level...

This is a nice new addition for new Mafia Wars players, who need guidance at the start of playing Mafia Wars.

Thanks to Zynga,

Mafia Wars - Strength Meter

Mafia Wars: Skill Area Bonus

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Mafia Wars: Skill Area Bonus

Do you get this Mafia Wars: Skill Area Bonus?
Some of our mafia friends just choosing the 24 hour job from Easter Job.. and got this pop up message on their screen...

After he choses the first option from the above screen... they got the confirmation message...
When i do this on my account... i didn't got this bonus screen :(
It looks like that this bonus screen is same as change class type screen...
May be Zynga testing this on some mafia players account...
That's it for now... but make sure you are alerted about this screen.. may be you are the Next! ;-)
Mafia Wars: Skill Area Bonus

Mafia Wars Collectible New Layout

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Mafia Wars Collectible New Layout

Zynga making new changes in Mafia Wars quickly... This time they updated Collection & Vault... There is a new layout found on some of Mafia Wars players...

But we have to wait for a while for more details about how the collection works, how to ask your mafia button works & many other things...

Hopefully... I will update you on all these question about Mafia Wars Collectible New Layout soon...

Mafia Wars Boss Fight Glitch

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Mafia Wars Boss Fight Glitch

One of the famous Mafia Wars Boss Fight Glitch is back again... it exactly the same glitch when Bangkok Beta comes out, you can help on boss job again & again...

You received 6 experience points and B$1,000 for helping [Mafia name]

I have tried it and it still work.. If you see that your mafia publish their Boss Fight, claim your bonus... over and over until it's over!

Mafia Wars Boss Fight Glitch

Mafia Wars Unicorn Castle!

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Mafia Wars Unicorn Castle!

Zynga celebrating April Fools... They transformed the Chop Shop into the Unicorn Castle... Unicorn Castle creates unicorns with magic... Create Glorious Unicorns...
I already collected my Chop Shop with the glitch, so i have to wait for 24 hours... :(

Remember: Everything related to Chop Shop has been changed into Unicorns (Magic)...
Car Parts become Magic Potion, Bulletproof Glass become Shooting Star also all other thing are changed... these changes are only related to Chop Shop items only at this moment...

Enjoy April Fools Everyone!!!

Mafia Wars Unicorn Castle!

Mafia Wars Chop Shop Glitch

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Mafia Wars Chop Shop Glitch

New glitch found in Mafia Wars Chop Shop "Build Your Chop Shop Car Twice A Day"

How This Works
(Step By Step Guide with Screenshot)

Go to your Mafia Wars New York Properties Page.
 Do not click on the green COLLECT ALL button or COLLECT on chop shop items!
Click on Build Car button in Chop Shop & Build any car that you need
Close the "Build Complete" window above by click on OK button...
Now you again come up in New York Properties page,
go COLLECT your Chop Shop only!
Like this screenshot below I collected mine and got 55x Car Part from Chop Shop
 Now, click on Build Car button again,
you'll be able to build another car! Your Chop Shop is ready to go! :)

That's it "Build Your Chop Shop Car Twice A Day"...
Have Fun!

Mafia Wars Chop Shop Glitch

Mafia Wars: Pocket Rockets Achievement

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Mafia Wars: Pocket Rockets Achievement

Zynga again promote Zynga Poker in Mafia Wars through "Pocket Rockets" achievement... 

Pocket Rockets is nice hefty weapon for your inventory...
Pocket Rockets: Attack 51 & Defense 30

While playing Zynga Poker whenever you got your Pocket Rockets goal you found this screen

Come again on Mafia Wars,
you got this screen when you click on Play Poker Button (In News Tab)

And that is the achievement announcement

You earned this Pocket Rockets achievement by gaining 3 levels (minimum level 6) in Zynga Poker... (I got this, when i am on Level 8)

Hopefully you got the achievement soon... Enjoy Everyone!

Mafia Wars: Pocket Rockets Achievement

Mafia Wars: Ace Up The Sleeve Achievement

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Mafia Wars: Ace Up The Sleeve Achievement

Zynga added new achievement in Mafia Wars "Ace Up The Sleeve" for the promotion of another game Zynga Poker... :)

You earned this Ace Up The Sleeve achievement when you reached level 6 in Zynga Poker... 

Fairly easy to get many of us already got this achievement...

Mafia Wars: Ace Up The Sleeve Achievement

Mafia Wars: 10 Million Fans Rewards Bonus

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Mafia Wars: 10 Million Fans Rewards Bonus

Zynga celebrate Mafia Wars 10 Million Fans Party & Give 2 Free Reward Points To Everyone!

Copy-paste the link below on your browser :

You Received This Confirmation Message:
Congratulations! We hit 10 million fans, thank you! Here are 2 Reward Points for you to use.
Have fun, all of my fans & friends!
Mafia Wars: 10 Million Fans Rewards Bonus

Mafia Wars: Stolen Diamond Collection

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Mafia Wars: Stolen Diamond Collection

Everyone is in search of these magnificent diamonds now! many of the mafia guys is in search of these, as well!

They are highly demanding at this time, I think Stolen Diamond Collection prices will drop when more mafia drop it in Robbing...
Hopefully Zynga Developer teams will increase the chance of getting them soon...

Remember that when you vault Stolen Diamond Collection you also got a "Master Thief" achievement...

Mafia Wars: Stolen Diamond Collection

Mafia Wars 10 Million Fans Party Starts

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Mafia Wars 10 Million Fans Party Starts

Two day Mafia Wars 10 Million Fans Party event started today... remember this is a two day event... of course mafia wars members already publish this on their Facebook wall... i am also one of them :)

Here is a Limited Edition item the Heavy Hand:
Thank You Zynga! 
Mafia Wars 10 Million Fans Party

Mafia Wars Robbing Bonus Glitch

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Mafia Wars Robbing Bonus Glitch

New glitch in Mafia Wars Robbing found...

Whenever you got Mafia Wars Robbing mastery level achievement on your news feed by your friend, just grab the bonus fast! It can be any level, just click on "Get Yours" button!

You'll have this reward.. can be any of boost...
Don't close your page! Click on refresh button on your page to see what other boosts you get...
Keep refreshing your page until your friend doesn't have any free boost left...
Hurry Up! Got this Mafia Wars Robbing Bonus Glitch Quickly...

Mafia Wars Synchronized Watches Achievement

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Mafia Wars Synchronized Watches Achievement

Zynga added new achievement in Mafia Wars with the name of "Synchronized Watches".

Why you got this "Synchronized Watches" achievement?
You earned it by vaulting at least one of Crew Collection.. I bet all of you have this achievement too!

Mafia Wars Robbing Is Back!

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Mafia Wars Robbing Is Back!

Now Most Wanted "Mafia Wars Robbing" feature is out for selected players so far!

Lucky players got the NEW icon above your Fight tab...
When you click on Fight tab, it will show you a new tab of Robbing...

Click on Robbing tab... they shows you a welcome screen!
Now you guys learn about this new feature from the explanations given below...

(Click on the screenshot to enlarge)

Why you did you lose on the previous Robbing... Here is the explanation:

And it appears that, there are 10 level of Robbing mastery and also 2 collection sets that I have posted earlier..(Mafia Wars Robbing Collection)

Whenever you do Robbing, you have to spend some Stamina. Different properties needs different Stamina!

Here i done a successful Robbery!

Guys! Good luck with Mafia Wars Robbing...

Thank You Zynga, making Mafia Wars much more interesting...

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