New Items: Antique Shoppe and Thatched Cottage

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A coupling of brand new Buildings under the English Countryside theme have arrived on the Market – one land-locked to the English Countryside, and the other available on both farms – in tonight’s surprise Market update. Let’s take a gander at the look they provide.


Let us start out with the non-land-locked Building, which means that it can be placed on either your “home” farm or your English Countryside farm. This is a new Coin item for the week, the Antique Shoppe. This is a strange Building due to its high-rise stature compared to other Buildings in the game; it is quite tall, all in all. It almost looks like a Swedish type of architecture to the naked eye, though that could be our Middle American ignorance talking.

We are honestly not huge on this one, as it has several items strewn about around the front of the establishment and seems too lanky for its own good. It can be rotated and can be purchased for 350,000 Coins, making it a hefty purchase that will also net you 3500 EXP.


The second Building is the premium FV Cash structure that is land-locked on the English Countryside farm, looking to give you an air of brilliance when placed upon your new, fresh soil: the Thatched Cottage. Now this is a proper English Countryside addition, as the cobblestones line up across the foundation of the house, working as a planter for some pretty white flowers. The straw rooftop and bowed archways really set off an English Countryside look that we approve of; in fact, we are planning on using this one on our own English Countryside farm! It can be rotated and costs 20 FV Cash, which we think is slightly steep for a non-functional Building, but only by a couple of FV Cash. You will receive 2000 EXP for the purchase.

Which is your favorite of these two Buildings? Let us know if we’re wrong or right!


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