New Items: Irish Cob Horse and Irish Hare

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All of the fun is not only to be had on the Tree side of things this week, as a couple of cool new Animals have been unleashed to roam your farmland, thanks to the St. Patrick’s Day theme.


The top dog of the update’s Animals tab will likely be the latest Horse to stuff in your Horse Stable, the Irish Cob Horse. This one sports your usual Gypsy build, boasting a really cool and unique coat and mane to go along with the model of the Horse. This one sports tiny black dots across its white body, sort of looking like freckles all across its hide. Trimmings of black grace the big fella, mixing in with the white colors around its legs and its head. This is one of the nicer designs painted on a common model of Horse. It is available for 26 FV Cash, and we do recommend it for Horse collectors. It will produce its own Foal, as well.


Call us crazy, but the inconsistencies that the Rabbits and Bunnies face throughout FarmVille should have our OCD monitor chirping like crazy, but for whatever reason, we love the unique designs that these types of Animals usually receive, and truly wish more Cows and Horses looked as unique as some of these Rabbits. For instance, take this new St. Patty’s bunny, the Irish Hare, as an example. Unlike many of its belly-rubbing-the-floor counterparts, this Irish Hare is sitting upright, with its ears twitching as it breathes frantically in and out. It’s available for 12 FV Cash, and is honestly our favorite Animal of the week. Pick it up if you like small critters inhabiting your farm.

Stay tuned to more tonight from FarmVille Post!


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