New Items: English Sheep, Shire Horse, and More

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Yet another update has hit the English Countryside tonight, this time invading the Market! We are guessing the days for Market goods may have rotated to Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of the usual Sundays and Wednesdays, though we are not positive on that at this time.


We usually tackle new Horses first, but we decided to go with the brand new English Countryside-exclusive English Sheep at the top slot for today. Why? Well, beyond the Sheep Breeding feature — as we suspect this will provide a great new off-blue color, though the flag pattern itself will likely not be available as a portion of the breeding effort – it is a really cool-looking Sheep. It sports the Union Jack across its side, and is a fantastic shade of blue, not quite the navy of Doctor Who’s TARDIS, but still quite dandy. It can be obtained for 22 FV Cash, and we recommend it – but that may just be our infatuation with Sheep Breeding talking.


Speaking of wise purchases, here is the brand new Shire Horse. When we say “brand new,” we mean it, as this is an entirely original model for Horses that is being displayed for the Shire Horse, which resembles an incredibly thick Clydesdale. Notice how cannon-shaped the body of this new brand of Horse is? We love seeing original Horses in FarmVille, so we’re happy to pay the 26 FV Cash to own this new gal, which creates a new Foal in its likeness, to boot.

We love the way the three colors all mesh together so perfectly. Seeing original designs like this reminds us why we love playing FarmVille, so hats off to the art team responsible for crafting these beauties. It can be obtained for either of your two farms, unlike the next addition to FarmVille…


The Brown Dutch Rabbit is an English Countryside-exclusive Animal, much like the English Sheep, but much less characteristic. The Dutch Brown Rabbit is a repaint of the original FarmVille Rabbit, making it a staple to the series but hardly justifying the 12 FV Cash price tag or the English Countryside exclusivity.  It’s not so much that this is a bad paint job or that it is ridiculously priced, neither of which we believe is true, but we are curious as to why this particular Rabbit is land locked when it’s hardly that original? It’s a head-scratcher, for certain.

Keep it tuned to FarmVille Post, as Trees are next in our line of vision.


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