New Items: Shamrock Manor and Lucky Vehicles

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The Building page has but one option for this weekend’s Market update, and it is the most costly we have reported on in quite a while.


This is the Shamrock Manor, and judging by the cost of things, it will keep you on your toes if you choose to go all-in and purchase the hefty Building for the lump sum of 40 FV Cash. It features all of the stuff we have grown accustomed to with housing, like the ability to rotate and all of that jazz, and even spits back 4,000 EXP in your direction whenever you purchase it. As you can see from our picture, that is the rotated look of the Building.

Overall, it’s a really plain-looking Building and kind of forgettable. It features some nice graphic design to appear more modern than it actually is, what with its dynamic shading that makes the chimney stack look like conceptual art from Wall-E or something. That portion of the Building is actually really nice, but where it fails to justify the steep price tag is not in the execution of the design, but the design itself. You can tell the art team tried their best with a commonplace concept, but let’s face it, this one is a fringe item at 20 FV Cash, let alone 40 FV Cash.


And if you are feeling a little adventurous and want to travel to somewhere that you haven’t visited in a while, you can find four St. Patrick’s Day vehicles on the Farm Aides > Vehicles page.  The Lucky singular vehicles used to be pretty rare, but now that they have been re-released, you may have them for 30,000 Coins each. If you want an all-in-one deal, try the Lucky Combine for 110 FV Cash.

Up next: the Mystery Game! Our results and review forthcoming.


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