Reasons to use this addon -
1. In unframed mode, you don't gain zPoints. Using this addon, you don't have to go into Unframe mode so you're able to gain zPoints.
2. Addon is easy to use, plus its not really troublesome.
3. There's more reason! But looking at the pictures, you'll surely like the addon! =)
Finding your own Username and Api Key for Bit.ly (FOR USERS WITH BIT.LY ACCOUNTS REGISTERED ONLY) -
1. Visit here
2. Your Bit.ly Username and API Key will be listed there
3. Copy and paste them into your FBMWAddon Options.
Installation Guide and Download links at bottom of post! :)
(Please click to enlarge images if it's not fully viewable!)
The Menu for the FB MafiaWars Addon tool -
FBMWAddon Options --> Configure the options for the Addon.
Operations Center --> Generates short links for your operations and publish in selected fan pages.
Home Feed Center --> Find post from Mafia Wars on your live feed, also have an option to auto-help.
Free Gifts Center --> Shows you the gifts on your Gift Requests page on Facebook.
News Helper --> Finds post from your Mafia Wars Player Updates to help your Mafia.
Collect All Cities --> Collects from your properties across all cities and automatically bank in for selected cities.
Battlefield! --> Auto fight for you, almost the same as Brawler.
Craft Manager --> Crafts item from your New York properties. (Chop Shop/Weapons Depot/Armory/Zoo).
Inventory Analizer --> Shows you items used to fight, etc, and it's almost like MWHelper.
Multi Gifter --> Send multiple gifts, almost the same as Chucker.
My Links --> Generates your Profile, Promote, Crime Spree, and Slots links.
Mafia Wiper --> Finds members still in your Mafia when they are not your friends anymore, with Auto Remove feature.
Go Atlantic City! --> Opens a popup with Atlantic City screen, playable on main Mafia Wars page.
FB MafiaWars Addon is usable on both Firefox and Google Chrome.
Installation Guide for Firefox -
1. Install Greasemonkey.
2. Download the Addon.
3. Enjoy.
Installation Guide for Google Chrome -
1. Install plugin.
2. Download the Addon.
3. Enjoy.
Enjoy!! :)
Labels: mafia wars addon, mafia wars chucker, mafia wars multi gifter, fb mafia wars addon, mafia wars news helper, collect all gift, battlefield, craft manager, inventory analyser, my links, mafia wiper, go atlantic city |
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