A pair of new Animals has hit the Market tonight, so let’s hop right to it!
It seems we have hit a fork in the road in reviewing the Black Dragon, the latest and easily coolest option on the Market’s Animals tab. You see, we are not fans of simple “re-colors” of the Animals in FarmVille; we do not go crazy every time we see a new Horse that looks like one of the many common models, and find that is often the laziest waste of the art team’s talents at Zynga. But what happens when the new version of an old Animal comes out and it is vastly better than its predecessor?
That is the problem we are facing with the Black Dragon, which is a paint job of the Baby Dragon from the Harry Potter-esque theme from back in November. The Baby Dragon is smaller and mainly red in color, as to where the Black Dragon is solid and off-black with glorious neon green scales running along its spine; it is truly a magnificent creature. As much as we hate paint jobs, we do believe in improving upon items, which is why we vote, in strong confidence, in favor of purchasing the Black Dragon for 24 FV Cash; simply put, it is the best Animal the Market has seen in ages.
Ahh, yes, here is the counterpart to the Ridinghood Sheep from last week: the Granny Wolf. This little critter will howl at the moon all it wants in order to lure the innocent Ridinghood Sheep into its treacherous trap of pretending to be its grandmother, but let’s face it, if you fall for a wolf dressed up like one of your own species, you kind of deserve whatever’s coming to you, right? The Granny Wolf is certainly cute, but make sure to complete the set with the Ridinghood Sheep if you take the plunge for 16 FV Cash; otherwise, it is sort of like a punchline without a set-up to the joke, yeah?
How do you feel about the Black Dragon? Are you torn, as we are?
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