Mystery Game: March 13, 2011

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It’s time to wrap up this week’s update with a look at a brand new Mystery Game.


An Irish theme invades the Mystery Game! As you can see by the look of our board, we did about average, with an Uncommon item being the last we received. We even popped the Unicorn on our first dart, and got two of the other rare! This week’s Mystery Game costs only 16 FV Cash, so if you are going to play, you may want to save your free darts that you may have for one of the 20 FV Cash weeks.


The obvious winner of the Mystery Game for many is the Shamrock Unicorn, the top Rare prize of the week and another addition to the ever-growing collection of Unicorns in FarmVille. We are keeping our fingers crossed that a feature will be implemented soon that will allow the Unicorns to be placed within the Horse Stable to produce little Unicorn Foals. This one reminds us of a My Little Pony almost, what with the shamrocks adorning above its hind legs and all. It’s a decent edition to the Unicorns, but we’re tired of seeing these things in the Mystery Game, to be frank. We do love the color of this one, though, as we’re big fans of sea green.


The other top Rare prize of the week is a Building, something we have not seen in quite some time and for a good reason: Buildings are definitely not for everybody who plays FarmVille, as some feel as if they take up entirely too much space without function, so seeing one hogging up a Rare slot in the game feels a little cheap to us. The worst part about it is the fact that this Building is about as plain as they come, mixing some ugly colors together to make what can only be described as an Atari 2600 color scheme. The house features a cool deck, at least, but it would have fared much better as a 12-14 FV Cash item on the Market instead.


Here is an item that has returned from a past Mystery Game, the Green Parrots. Call us cynical, as we’ve done nothing but complain up to this point and feel a little jaded in doing so, but we’ve always disliked this Decoration because of how cramped the birds look. Something has always rubbed us wrong about it, and it’s because the many other birds in FarmVille are perched on branches, allowed to fly, and always feel happy to be around your farm, as opposed to these caged parrots who look too afraid to move. Why so glum, Polly?


The second Uncommon item in this week’s Mystery Game is finally a nice one that is worth the 16 FV Cash you will put into it, as the Irish Elk has arrived in FarmVille. This guy is pretty cool, featuring gigantic horns and occasionally twisting his head to the side, which looks totally goofy in a great way due to the expression on his face. Who doesn’t love a big Animal with a dopey grin on its face, when all is said and done? This one got us smiling, so we give it a big thumbs up.


The first Common item of the week is, in our personal opinion, the winner of the whole Mystery Game this week: the Green-Winged Teal. The Green-Winged Teal is a brand new Duck that can be plopped into your Duck Pond, providing a new look and finally a new rare Duck to show off to your friends – and who doesn’t like showcasing what you have that others do not? This one is Common, so it’s easy enough to receive. We love the colors on this one, as the teal clashes hard in a magnificent way against the various browns and grays across the Duck’s body.


Finally, the last Common this week is a defining entry into the Common Mystery Game items, as it is not necessarily noteworthy, but it’s nothing you would get angry about receiving: the Green Gazebo. You see, it is a fine addition to the game and very beautiful, especially for gazebo lovers. It is a simple Decoration and small, but all-in-all it is just a tweaked model of the gazebo we saw last month for Valentine’s Day. Still, being that it is decked out in Clover, it’s definitely not too shabby.

We say skip this week’s Mystery Game, as there are too many items that you won’t feel torn up about not having in your collection in contrast to the ones that you will clamor for.


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