The Trees received a few goodies, but absolutely nothing like what the Animals received. Along with a steady dose of returning Animals to the Market was a fresh batch of new ones, including a permanent Stallion for the Horse Stable. Let’s take a look at the new items.
For 40 FV Cash, you should be getting something grand. Of course, this is not always the case, as the Pegasus could not produce Foals and even the very rare Unicorns are still, to this day, without baby iterations of their adult selves. With that said, the Clydesdale Stallion IS a working Stallion that will produce a baby Foal in its likeness, as per our buddies over at FarmVille Feed.
The Clydesdale Stallion is well worth the nearly $10 in FV Cash, settling in at 40 FV Cash on the Market – if you do not currently have a Stallion for your Horse Stable. Permanent Stallions such as the Clydesdale Stallion give you an opportunity with every harvest to produce a Foal to give to your neighbors, making it a hot commodity amongst neighbor-friendly farmers. If you need a Permanent Stallion, dive right in.
If you are a lover of Ducks, you are not out of the loop in this English Countryside update… In fact, nobody really is, as Zynga has covered their farming bases with the majority of Animals this week. This is the Crested Duck, a new Duck to FarmVille that looks rather plain until you notice he has what looks like a loofah poofed up atop his head. This all-white Duck has the weirdest hairdo we’ve seen in a long time. It can be obtained for 16 FV Cash, which is too steep for a relatively plain Duck, in our opinion.
Pig lovers, unite! The final new addition to the game on the regular farm is one for those who love snouts, as the Tamworth Pig is a hefty addition to the Pigpen. This fella ranks up there with the biggest Pigs in the entire game, taking up more screen space than any – yes, any – Pig before him. In other words, this dude is a sumo wrestler amongst lucha libre. He will also clock in at 16 FV Cash, and can be placed in the Pigpen to produce an uncommon White Truffle, proving that size doesn’t matter when it comes to Gold Truffle hunting. Too bad.
Along with these new Animals, we have seen the return of the following critters that we have previously reviewed: Morgan Horse, Red Cow, Blue Cow, and the kooky Silkie Chicken. We will have more on the English Countryside exclusive Animals shortly!
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