Along with the Animal update on both of the farms, there are several brand new Animals that are exclusive solely to the English Countryside. You can tell the majority of them by the FVEC logo that appears next to the entry, but a few without that logo are not popping up on our original farm. We will review all of those items right here.
Let’s start off with the meat and potatoes of the entire update: the Pastel Pink Ewe, the Navy Ewe, and the Polka-Dot Ram. The Ewes cost 20 FV Cash each and the Ram will run ya 30 FV Cash. Basically, these are your upstarts for the Sheep Pen, giving you a better variety of Sheep to breed. We love all of these, as we have bred several different Sheep from the combinations. Here is a small gallery that we have received from our breeding experiments:
Whether or not you purchase these Sheep is more up to you than up to us; this is beyond opinion, though we do recommend the Polka-Dot Ram, as Rams seem to be tougher to breed than Ewes, and it will give you results containing the Polka-Dot pattern.
Here is a brand new Chicken: the Old English Hen. This Old English Hen will produce Level 17 Eggs, dubbed the English Mystery Eggs, as they have the stripe of the Union Jack across them. We prefer the Dorking Chicken to the Old English Hen, but they are still two of — if not the — best Chickens ever designed in FarmVille. We have not confirmed whether or not they can produce one another within the Mystery Eggs as of this time, but we suspect they will – thus making this purchase for 20 FV Cash strictly for early adapters.
Lastly, and certainly not least, we have the adult version of that adorable Calf that was wearing the English hat from several weeks ago: the English Cow. Naturally, this one will produce the English Calf that we have had on our farm since the English Countryside Postcard gave it away for free. It costs 22 FV Cash, and is your basic Cow wearing an English hat. It’s nothing we would write home about, but we know several readers were crazy about the Calf, so maybe this one is in the eye of the beholder?
Keep it tuned to FarmVille Post as we continue to rundown the Market update with a look at this week’s Mystery Game!
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