New Items: Troll Bridge, Fairy Gnome, and More

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Overall, tonight’s update was pretty good, and largely in part to the Decorations tab, which offers a few cool solutions to a drab farm for Coins instead of FV Cash! And for those of you who enjoy buying stuff with virtual dollars, the FV Cash items are pretty cool, too.


Let’s start off with the premium Coin item of the night, the Troll Bridge. Bridges in FarmVille have become sort of like waterfalls and ponds, in that they occasionally pop up to much fanfare. This one is easily the best Coin object we have seen in a long time, and could have fetched around 25 FV Cash on the Market; instead, it can be yours for 200,000 Coins – an absolute steal, if we do say so ourselves.

On its own, the Troll Bridge features just the slowly rocking feet of a purple troll who resides underneath the structure, but by clicking on the Troll Bridge, you will find an option called “Look Out!” that will make the purple troll peer out from underneath his cobblestone fortress. This one is just made of awesome. It cannot be rotated, but we will do everything we can to make it a permanent fixture on our very own farm, for certain. Buying it will give you 2,000 EXP, so you have pretty much no reason not to, eh?


Up next is possibly the best entry into the Gnomes we have seen in a long time, and easily the best female Gnome since the Frankstein’s Bride Gnome from the Halloween theme. This is the Fairy Gnome, and feature intricate wings that look like that of a butterfly. The light purple wings do not necessarily mesh well with the teal dress that the Gnome is wearing, but it is a very unique Gnome, nonetheless, and one that will be vastly popular. It’s a bit expensive at 18 FV Cash, but if you like Gnomes, it’s a must-buy.


Speaking of 18 FV Cash, the other premium FV Cash item on the Decorations tab exclusively tonight is the Magic Waterfall, which also goes for 18 FV Cash – and gives back 1,800 EXP for those who take the plunge, pun-intended. We’re full of puns tonight, sorry. Like all animated Decorations, this one cannot be rotated, but it features some gorgeous foliage. This Decoration is like a party of colors on your farmland, with the pinks, purples, blues, and of course greens, all wind up coming together as one blast of nature for your eyeballs. Mushrooms, ivy, bushes, and many kinds of trees all mingle to create something so elaborate, it’s hard to take your eyes off of. We also like and approve of this one.


Four winners in one night for the Decorations tab, it seems. The Mushroom Knoll is a cheap Coin item under the Decorations tab that clocks in at 20,000 Coins, enough to spread the wealth and buy several of them to bolster your decorative roster for the new theme. Our only beef with this one is that it cannot be rotated. Two rolling hills are scattered with various mushrooms of sizes and types, with red, orange and yellow colored mushrooms playing their part in spicing up your green farm. It will, of course, look out of place on snow or beach landscapes.

Keep it tuned to FarmVille Post, as we will have a new Crop Spotlight up on Thursday evening!


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