We hope you do not have any cavities, because you might by the time you get done munching down on this week’s lone Building on the freshly restocked Market.
This is the Fairy Tale Cottage, a brand new single-story Building in the Fairy Tale Theme that is hoping to win you over with its assortment of delicious treats stuck along the outer perimeter of the structure. In layman’s terms, NOM NOM NOM! This brand new Building features zero animations, meaning that it has the option to be rotated on a whim. It can be purchased for FV Cash, but on a lower pricing scale of 15 FV Cash, which seems to be an ongoing trend of making certain Buildings more affordable.
We are torn on this one, to be honest; we just recently saw a Gingerbread House back in early December, which was several stories high and completely free, as it was constructible and required help from your neighbors in order to properly build it. Now, the Fairy Tale Cottage, which is essential the home from the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel, has made its debut. It features several key differences from the Gingerbread House, and in all actuality, we prefer it to freebie Gingerbread House due to how concise the arrangement of the sweets is.
If push comes to shove, we will give this one the thumbs up due to the decorations being tactfully placed and the price not breaking the bank. If you’re on the fence about it, allow us to give you the ol’ gangs-away for the purchase.
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