Mystery Game: February 20, 2011

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It’s everybody’s favorite time of the week! That’s right, it’s time to see how much money we wasted on the Mystery Game this week! Drum roll, please…


…A lot. Again. Jeez, our luck with this thing is dreadful. We managed to obtain three of the four Rares this week, but at what cost? Again, a lot – each dart this week costs a whopping 20 FV Cash.


Again, this is the dastardly fiend that has eluded us for a second straight week: a new Horse. This Horse is named the Falabella Horse, and closely resembles the Forest Horse in terms of design – but is much smaller. Indeed, when placed side by side, the Falabella Horse looks nearly half the size of the normal-sized Forest Horse.
Beyond the difference in size, the design is the same with the drooping mane and posture. It features a white coat with black spots, and tan hooves to set the paint job off. It’s certainly nice, but we’d expect something a little grander in the Mystery Game – especially for the 300 FV Cash we spent to get it.


And this little fellow was much less stubborn, as we managed to obtain him on our fourth Dart and again on our six-hundred and eighty-fifth dart. Only joking, it was more like our seventeenth dart. Still, ouch. Regardless, we have two of this cute Panda Cow for our Dairy Farm now, thanks to our quest to obtain the Falabella Horse. This one is the perfect blend of the Simmental Cow and the Belted Cow, offering the model design of the former and the color scheme of the latter. It is also smaller than your average Cow – it seems this is the small Animal week for the Mystery Game.


Of course, not everybody salivates over the arrival of new Cows and new Horses. There are many fans of lesser Animals on the FarmVille roster in terms of popularity and cost, and right amongst the many all-stars in the line-up is the Pigs; after all, they also have a fully functional Building. Well, this new Pig, dubbed the Teacup Pig, is absolutely adorable and, in our opinion, the surefire winner of the entire Mystery Game. Who would have thought that the smallest Animal in the Mystery Game would also be the best? You can use it to find White Truffles when placed in the Pigpen.


The second of the Uncommon item of the week is a brand new fox – a rarity in itself – and it certainly is a looker. This foxy momma is known as the Fennec Fox, a sleek and sly, crafty little devil that is similar to previously seen tiny critters, with its big ears and bushy tail. The three main colors in this one are a silver undercarriage, a gold main coat and a small black blotch on the tip of its tail. As per usual this week, this one is small.


Now this is the smarmy devil that made us dump so much money into the Mystery Game this week: we got every single one of them within the game, so it really must have wanted to come home with us in our gift box. This is the Sand Cat, an adorable little feline that lives in the desert and can survive for months on the moisture found in its food supply alone. Trust us, if you ever want your heart to melt from the cuteness, just Google the Sand Cat and watch the devastatingly cute results pour in. This one is also a keeper.


Lastly, here is a returning item from FarmVille’s past, the Babydoll Sheep. We don’t necessarily mind returning items, but we dislike returning items as both a Common Mystery Game item, where we are bound to get a ton of them, and an expensive Mystery Game item.  This Babydoll Sheep, as cute as it is, was originally released in early August of 2010 in the Mystery Game’s early iterations. It is certainly very fluffy, and has a trace of “What the heck is THAT?” to its appearance. It’s sort of like looking at comedian Zach Galifianakis.

Due to the price increase, and the fact that the Rare Animals this week are merely painted versions of existing Animals, we recommend against playing unless you have a few free Mystery Darts lying around your gift box. It’s worth a shot, right?


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