How-to: Leprechaun Cottage

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Yet another new feature lies in wait for all of us with tonight’s update, and it is a familiar staple with FarmVille at this point: a new seasonal constructible Building that will begin to give you a token to use for new limited edition items in the near future!


Step 1: You will be in placement mode upon loading your farm, if you are lucky enough to be on the early portion of this slow rollout item. This one is a much smaller property, only taking up a single plot of space – thanks Zynga, as we were running out of room! Once you have placed the item snugly on your property, you will need to start in on the usual building process. The first level of completion will require 4 of each common constructible material: the Wooden Boards, the Bricks, and the Nails.

In this case, it is the St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun’s Cottage, a new constructible Building that can be built to give you pieces of Gold to trade in for some goodies. If you have participated in the Winter Holiday and Valentine’s Day events like this, where you built the likes of Cupid’s Castle, you will know exactly what we are talking about. After a certain period, this item will begin to dispense pieces of Gold once every 24 hours.


Step 2: After completing the first portion of the enhancement, you will be asked to expand your Leprechaun Cottage even further with the addition of 16 of each material. Remember to ask your friends for help by going into the Leprechaun Cottage and clicking the Ask for More icon below each of the constructible items. This will bring up a screen where you can check off some of your neighbors, which will send them a request for their assistance. Be sure to help your neighbors, too!


Step 3: The third and final expansion will require a whopping 30 of each material. Yikes! That is quite a lot. Remember that Special Delivery boxes will give your neighbors – as well as yourself – whichever materials they need. If you need 30 Bricks, simply pop open 30 Special Delivery boxes and you will receive exactly what you need out of them. You can also scrounge up materials by searching your friends’ Facebook feeds to see what they are giving away, as you will frequently be able to post materials onto your Facebook feed – as can your neighbors. See? Giving is certainly a two-way street!

Upon completion, you will have one big treehouse known as the Leprechaun Cottage. It will not give you anything beyond Coins for collecting from it to begin with, but it will soon give you tokens to trade in for limited edition goodies. We wonder what the 500-token item will be this time? Last time, it was the Pink Swan; for the Winter Holiday, it was the Snow Stallion… We are hoping for a super limited edition Crop, personally, but we suspect it will be a new Horse, Duck, or Cow.

Stay tuned to FarmVille Post for more info!


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