Just as we expected, a brand new Crop has arrived in FarmVille in tonight’s update!
This is the Pink Carnation, as we figured would arrive in tonight’s update, given the four brand new Crafts that were accidentally introduced in last night’s update. You see, each of those four Crafts had “Pink Carnation” in the title, so we figured a new Crop would be introduced in order to fully integrate the new Crop into the game.
The Pink Carnation Crop is a hefty one, costing but 11 Coins to plant per plot and giving back 111 every time you harvest, making it a 100 net profit Crop amongst the 1 day Crops in the game’s large, expansive roster. As we already know, the Pink Carnation is used in four Crafts – one for each Crafting Building – and it can be Mastered, to boot.
Are you excited to see this new addition to FarmVille?
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