There is but one new item on the Buildings tab, but it’s a rad one!
Now this is a spa we can get behind! We truly do love the design of the Crafting Building of the name Spa, as it has a sleek, contemporary art deco design that is easy on the eyes while also remaining flamboyantly modern. This Outdoor Spa, however, leaves the artsy at the door and kicks up the chic fashion sense for the bored housewife of Orange County.
The Outdoor Spa is a brilliant design, combining tan fixtures such as relaxing chairs with the predominant browns that go along with the “porch” atmosphere. This clashes somewhat with the white exterior of the Building, but lends itself well to the black, windowed rooftop. We particularly enjoy the cute cucumber that adorns the front of the structure, as it’s a signature of sorts for the Outdoor Spa.
Should you decide to take the plunge for the Outdoor Spa, which we recommend for farmers who have more of a city flair, it will cost you 20 FV Cash. The purchaser will receive 2,000 EXP for making such a wise choice.
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