Mafia Wars Stream Helper Tool
Stream Helper is a tool to collect all stuffs regarding Mafia Wars game from the Facebook wall posts. Including : jobs helper (Boss jobs, New York - Cuba - Moscow jobs), Money Laundering or Dirty Money job, collecting boost, achievements, war help, etc... A very nice bookmarklet, right?
Where to Find?
Go here:
Find this bookmarklet and bookmark it on your browser.
I found that firefox is the best for Mafia Wars tools so far.
How to Use?
The first time you use the bookmarklet, you need to add extended permissions to Mafia Wars.
1. Launch the bookmarklet in a unframed MW page, the bookmarklet will ask to unframe if needed.
2. Tick the box, “Ask permission”.
3. Press Scan.
A popup will ask if you want to allow Mafia Wars to read the facebook wall stream.
This is only needed one time per Facebook account (hopefully).
So just allow it and you will back to the page again.
You can now launch the bookmarklet again and use the QuickTick link for fast selections.
It is recommended to use the filled in values until you are familiar with the bookmarklet. You can choose which job you'd like to search for. Just tick or un-tick it.
When Scan is pressed, the bookmarklet will show a line similar to this: Found 487interesting wall posts. This means the bookmarklet found 487 items related to the searches you ticked. (Jobs, Boosts, Loot etc…). Your search will be different.. depends on how many mafia you have who published their jobs on wall.
You can now press the “Next link” in the top left to start checking all the 487 found items, one by one.
It is recommended to do this a few times to see if it actually works.
When you have seen the pages load and some stats being logged, you can press the green play icon (on top right side) to start checking all the links with a random delay.
The tool will automatically run, you can play your game on another tab.
Note: Go here for best explanation :
Including how to configure the tool and also some troubleshooting guides.
Mafia Wars Stream Helper Tool
at 12:32
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