News: Sheep Pen Coming Home?

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It looks like Zynga is making good on the promise to provide players with some really cool rewards in the English Countryside, as we have found this loading screen upon logging into FarmVille tonight:


It looks as if an additional Sheep Pen will be readily available to transport to your Home farm sometime in the near future, something that many farmers have been yearning for ever since its introduction into the English Countryside.

 While this is all fine and dandy, we have to wonder exactly how this will work? After all, we cannot transport items to and from the English Countryside, so what exactly is the incentive? We could store more Sheep this way, but our neighbors will never get to see the Sheep we have worked so hard for on the English Countryside, as you can only visit whichever farm your neighbors are currently on.

Furthermore, will farmers really be able to remember which farms which Sheep are located on? Will they have enough supplies to provide for not one, but two Sheep Pens? We can barely keep up with Bottles and Love Potions for the one we have as is. What about all of the cool Sheep we have currently made? Are they to be forgotten once we pack up and head back home? We hate to think of our FVEC Sheep Breeding as a dead end.

Simply put, we need the ability to transfer items – including Sheep – to and from the Home farm and the English Countryside farm. We recommend using the Sheep Pens are transport vessels, sending one Sheep to and from the two farms at will; think of it like Star Trek, if you will. “Beam me up, Scotty!” That way we can mix and match without losing all of our progress on our FVEC Sheep Pen.

How do you feel about this? Are we being Negative Nancies, or do you feel the same way?


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