New Items: Pegasus and Princess Duck

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We here at FarmVille Post deliver our personal reviews of every single item, complete with pictures, of every Sunday and Wednesday Market update, and it is certainly that time once again to dig into our wallets and throw some FV Cash at the Market in exchange for virtual goods!


First up are the new additions to the Animal Market, and here is one we have long been waiting for: the Pegasus. Oh boy, oh boy! …We were so excited that we almost did not recognize the outrageous price tag of 35 FV Cash. Yikes. This will certainly stir the pot amongst many FarmVille players, as the usual high-end Horses cost 26 FV Cash, making this increase in price a little steep. Our voice of reasoning is: it could be worse, it could have been a prize in the Mystery Game, in which two tries would eat up more than what you are putting out to outright acquire this long-clamored-for Animal.

Of course, that is not the real outrage within our confines. You know what ticks us off? It costs 35 FV Cash… and does not produce a Foal. We feel this is misleading, as the Pegasus certainly resembles a Horse, so why can it not produce a Foal? We suspect this will change, though we are still waiting on those Unicorn Foals from November.

This beautiful black beast offers a shimmer of purple in its presence, highlighted by the lighter shades in its fluttering wings that stretch across its back. In terms of pure looks, it’s hard to go wrong, isn’t it? It truly is a beautiful creature, and one of great lore. Since we know it will eventually receive a Foal, as promised with the Unicorns, we’ll give this the nod.


Of course, with all of the hoopla surrounding the new Pegasus, the adorable Princess Duck may be quite overlooked (mainly people some folks may faint over the Pegasus and/or its price). This brand new Duck, which is completely compatible with the Duck Pond, is decked out in the attire of fairy tale royalty, and looks like she is waiting for her duck in shining armor to come along and slay the duck dragon… come to think of it, a duck dragon would be totally cool. This one is 16 FV Cash and only recommended to Duck enthusiasts.

Stay tuned to FarmVille Post, as we are updating throughout the night!


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